Sunday, 13 March 2011

Finally seen Mt Fuji

We took a day trip to the mountain, we went to the highest observatory point in Tokyo Tower, but still we didn't get to see Mt Fuji. Both times the weather has prevented us from seeing it, either severe  snow or thick fog.

But today we got to see it, up close and personal, from the comfort of our bullet train seats. It's a perfect day outside with clear blue skies, and the bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto literally seemed to do a lap of the mountain. We approached it on one side and went right around to the other, with some spectacular views. We were less than 3 or 4 miles away.

It must have been snowing very heavily over the last few days as the usual white peak seemed to take up half of the mountain. It looked amazingly cold, and you can understand why our tour bus wasn't allow up...

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