Sunday, 13 March 2011

Total Excitement for Kyoto

We are sitting here on the bullet train, racing through the mountains south of Fuji, in what can only be described as business class on an aeroplane. There's enough leg room to completely stretch out, our seats recline right back, a young lady walks the aisles serving drinks and bento boxes, and it just feels rather plush.

There's even a carriage with telephones and vending machines!

Leanne is sat to my left, with a number of books, guides and maps out, excitedly planning the next 6 days in Kyoto. Every time I try to nod off, or play a game on the iPad, she's found a new place that we have to visit and can't wait to tell me about it! This is going to be a cool part of the trip, and very different to the buzzing pace of Tokyo.

Our hotel could not be in a better location and we are literally at the heart of the city.

Both very excited for Kyoto...

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